SPECIALTY BROKERS Integrated Pesticide Monitoring
In order to protect human and animal health, the level of pesticides in all food and feed in the European Union must not exceed certain maximum levels. Since a lot of producers are still not able to limit or specifically name the pesticides used, customers who process the raw materials must choose very precisely which producers reliably deliver high quality at their source.
Specialty Brokers does some pioneering work in partnership with its partners. Consulting the farmers, complete documentation and regular audits enable the purchase of flawless and high-quality raw materials.
We have created our own seal of quality for the labeling of raw materials that have passed our quality assurance measures from controlled cultivation to the export product: IPM = Integrated Pesticide Monitoring / Integrated Pesticide Monitoring.
Current development (06-2019):
Over the last few months, we have seen drastic and rapidly surprising bans and changes in the EU's maximum residue levels (MRLs) for more than 30 pesticides. Keywords here are iprodione and chlorpyrifos. This is in line with years of effort by organizations such as GlobalGAP and UTZ or the Turkish Sultanas / Thompson Raisins Cultivation Project IPM (Integrated Pesticide Monitoring). In all cases, it is agreed (www.globalgap.org, www.utz.org) that conventional agriculture is increasingly causing problems for the environment and consumers. Small-scale peasant structures in Turkey and lack of control by the Turkish administration results in a pesticide cocktail in Sultanas, which can consist of up to 100 different fungicides, herbicides and insecticides.
Everywhere, the call for healthy and unencumbered products is becoming louder and louder and thus the desire for controlled, sustainable cultivation of agricultural products. It is also agreed that this can only be done through IPM and corresponding projects or certifications. Specialty Brokers has been using this theme for Turkish Sultanas and Thompson Raisins since 2014 with its Integrated Pesticide Monitoring (IPM) project in cooperation with Özgür and leading pesticide producers.
Years of demands by leading organizations to limit the use of pesticides, their traceability and the simultaneous reduction of MRLs are being implemented in the IPM project analogously to the specifications of the UTZ and GlobalGAP projects. The requirements of the Turkish Specialty Brokers IPM (Integrated Pesticide Monitoring) extension project are also based on the criteria of GlobalGAP and UTZ when training IPM farmers and their responsible handling of pesticides. As part of our IPM cultivation project, we can guarantee complete traceability back to the individual IPM farmer and control the entire value-added chain throughout the growing phase right through to the dried end product. We guarantee max. 4 pro-active pesticides and put in the current campaign, for the substances we have approved, a very low use of the EU maximum residue levels (MRLs) for pesticides, by max. 50% of the limit, or lower, fixed.
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